Continue readingPanduan CSS: BEM
Mari kita mempelajari salah satu panduan CSS yang cukup populer, yaitu BEM.
My name is Hendra Agil, I'm a software developer specializing in JavaScript and web development. With expertise in the full software development life cycle, I create scalable web applications with a focus on clean, maintainable code and effective problem-solving.
Mari kita mempelajari salah satu panduan CSS yang cukup populer, yaitu BEM.
Menuliskan sedikit tentang proses migrasi dari ESLint & Prettier ke Biome.
Kapan kita menggunakan rem daripada px ketika menuliskan kode CSS?
Contains list of projects in WPU's showcase.
WhatsApp bot for any needs.
An app for booking field and activity.
An app for booking class and tutor.