
Some of the projects I've worked on, both private and open source.

elevAIte with Dicoding

Website for elevAIte with Dicoding campaign.

Project Showcase WPU

Contains list of projects in WPU's showcase.


An app for booking gym, class, and trainer.


Unofficial Valorant match API from site.

RPL Skandakra Bot

A bot for help moderation in RPL Skandakra Discord Server.

RPL Skandakra Dev Website

An official website for RPL Skandakra Dev Community.

Bed Covid RS Indonesia

A website that provides information regarding the availability of hospitals and hospital beds for covid-19 or non-covid patients in Indonesia.

Next.js Chakra Starter

An opinionated simple starter / template project with Next.js and Chakra UI.

SMKN 2 Karanganyar Website

An official website for SMKN 2 Karanganyar.

Pengaduan Sekolah

Pengaduan sekolah is an app for sent complaint to your school.

Gift Store Landing Page

Simple landing page sliced from figma design.

Todo List

Todo list app to manage your activities.

Image Gallery

Image gallery app to search your favorite image.